
Keto Startup Diet

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Keto Startup Diet

Nowadays, there are numerous methods for losing weight and diets that come and go as they become popular and then fade away. The Keto Startup diet, also known as the Ketogenic diet, is the most recent diet plan to take the fitness industry by storm. This diet is all about taking a high fat diet and replacing it with your carbohydrates intake. Many people have compared this diet to the Atkins diet or the low carb diet, since it revolves around limiting the amount of carbohydrates that you take in and taking full fat foods instead.

What is the Keto Diet?

As already mentioned, the Ketogenic diet, which is usually called the Keto diet for short, is a high fat intake diet and a low carb one. It takes the word from the process of Ketosis which is actually a metabolic state of the body which happens when there is reduction of carbs from a person’s diet. During the process of ketosis in the body, the body is burning fat really fast for energy and this leads to the fat turning into Ketones in the liver that supplies the energy to the person’s brain. There are quite a few different versions of the Keto diet that people generally follow but the most popular and the most common form of the Keto diet is the SKD, the standard keto diet. This diet is not just ideal for losing weight fast, but also has tremendous health benefits. One of the most useful benefits is the reduction in the sugar and the insulin levels in the blood. This diet is quite straightforward and simple to follow but it is always recommended to consult a doctor before starting this diet and more so for people who have diabetes or suffer from high or low blood pressure.

Keto Startup Diet Plan

One of the best things about the Keto diet is that you do not need to starve yourself and neither do you have to stick to boring salads only. The Keto startup diet has really evolved with many people coming up with their own versions of keto friendly foods, which includes brownies, lasagna, pizza and anything and everything you can think of. All of these foods are prepared keeping in mind the food groups and the percentage that is allowed for a person to take in daily. Below is a sample keto diet plan for beginners as a sample of what a keto meal ideally consists of.

  • Day 1:

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon and tomatoes.
Lunch: A salad with chicken with feta cheese and olive oil.
Dinner: Asparagus and salmon in butter.

  • Day 2:

Breakfast: Tomatoes, egg, basil and goat cheese omelet.
Lunch: Peanut butter, almond milk, cocoa powder milkshake (artificial sweeteners can be added)
Dinner: Cheddar cheese, vegetables with meatballs.

  • Day 3:

Breakfast: A keto friendly milkshake.
Lunch: shrimps salad with avocado and olive oil.
Dinner: Broccoli with pork chops and parmesan cheese with salad.

  • Day 4:

Breakfast: An omelet made with avocadoes, peppers, salsa, onions and spices.
Lunch: Celery sticks with salsa and guacamole with a handful of mixed nuts.
Dinner: Stuffed chicken with cream cheese and pesto with a side of mixed vegetables.

  • Day 5:

Breakfast: Yogurt and peanut butter with cocoa powder (artificial sweeteners can be added)
Lunch: Stir fried beef with vegetables cooked in coconut oil.
Dinner: Burger that is bun-less with egg, bacon and cheese.

  • Day 6:

Breakfast: Omelet made with cheese and ham with vegetables.
Lunch: Ham with cheese slices with nuts on the side.
Dinner: Fish with spinach and egg in coconut oil.

  • Day 7:

Breakfast: Eggs with mushrooms and bacon.
Lunch: Burger with salsa, guacamole and cheese.
Dinner: Steak with eggs with a salad on the side.

The above keto Startup diet plan is a sample meal plan for a whole week, that is seven different meal plans for different days which can be repeated throughout the week. It is always advisable to use different types of meats and vegetables as all of them provide different types of health benefits and nutrients over the long term.

If our keto diet plan isn’t for you, here’s another fantastic option to design your own ketogenic diet plan in accordance with your current daily eating schedule. CREATE YOUR OWN KETO DIET PLAN

Keto startup Diet Menu

If you have decided to start off with this keto diet, the best way to go forth is to have an idea of what you can eat and what you cannot eat in this diet plan. It is therefore really important to know what should be in your keto diet menu since it is very important to keep an eye on your carbs intake as well as on your fat intake. You must stay mindful of what you are eating throughout the day and the above mentioned meal plans can also help you to plan ahead your days with a proper menu. Moreover mentioned below are some of the foods which you can eat in this keto diet menu.

Food that you can eat:

⦁ Meat:

When it comes to meat, you can easily have all types of red meat in the form of ham, steaks, sausages as well as white meat like chicken, bacon as well as turkey.

⦁ Fish:

You can have fatty fish like trout, tuna and mackerel as well as salmon is the one of the best fish to eat for a healthy diet.

⦁ Eggs:

Eggs are also allowed and encouraged to be eaten for breakfast as it fills you up till lunch time. The ideal choice when it comes to eggs is to go for whole eggs or omega 3 or pastured eggs.

⦁ Cream and butter:

Since this diet is all about having fat through your diet, you can easily have cream as well as butter and the grass fed is encouraged as it has more health benefits.

⦁ Cheese:

All types of unprocessed cheese is allowed such as goat cheese, mozzarella, cream cheese, blue cheese and cheddar cheese. In case you cannot get the unprocessed cheese, the regular off the shelf cheese can also be used.

⦁ Oils:

Coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and avocado oils are preferred.

⦁ Seeds and nuts:

Nuts are also encouraged for snacking as it provides the required fats in a healthy and natural way. Walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds as well as chia seeds.

⦁ Avocados:

Fresh guacamole can be consumed as well as whole avocados.

⦁ Vegetables:

All those vegetables that are low carb can be consumed such as the green leafy ones as well as onions and tomatoes, peppers, etc.

⦁ Others:

Salt and pepper can be used as required as well as other spices and herbs that are healthy and nutritious

Snacks for keto startup diet

It is impossible not to get hungry between meals, especially in the first few days or weeks. It is however different for everyone and everyone takes their own time to settle in with their food cravings. As such, no diet plan is complete without a list of healthy snacks that can be munched on between meals or whenever you get hungry. Below is a list of healthy snacks for your keto diet that is acceptable.

⦁ Fish or fatty meat.
⦁ Yogurt that is full fat with peanut butter and cocoa powder.
⦁ Cheese slices.
⦁ A handful of seeds.
⦁ Strawberries and cream.
⦁ Olives and cheese.
⦁ Hard boiled eggs.
⦁ Mixed nuts.
⦁ Dark chocolate.
⦁ Milkshake (as mentioned in the meals)
⦁ Small portions of food leftovers.
⦁ Celery sticks with salsa or guacamole for dipping.

Eating out on Keto Startup diet

Dieting is hard for most people and the best way to go about it is to make it friendly and easy. Keto diet is one such diet where you do not need to starve yourself or go for strenuous exercises or work outs and you will still end up losing weight along with improving your health and quality of life. Being on a diet however should not restrict you on eating out and enjoying yourself, even apart from that one cheat day. You can easily make restaurants keto friendly when you are eating out. Most of the restaurants nowadays have something for those people who are following the keto diet. If you still do not know which foods you can eat and which you cannot eat from the menu, the best bet is to stick with non carbs and once you are familiar with the details you can easily enjoy your meals at your favorite restaurant.

Tips for Eating Out While on a Ketogenic Diet

Now you do not have to spoil your weeks or months of dieting while you are eating out on a social call or maybe you did not have time to cook for yourself. When faced with such situations, follow these tips on eating out while you are following the keto startup diet.

⦁ Meat, vegetables and cheese

Always go with this combination mentioned above. It is always advisable to go for simple ingredients or else you would not be aware of how much sugar is going in the rest of the good items. Meat, vegetables and cheese are available in some form is most restaurants and also have the ability to fill you up for longer.

⦁ No buns

Always go for the bun less burger, every time you are faced with the situation of having a burger. This can also be applied for sandwiches as well and to make the meal more filling, you can ask for extra side or extra fillings like bacon, extra sauces or avocados. This way you can get to eat the burger or the sandwich but of course, you have to say no to the French fries!

⦁ Salad is the king

When in doubt, go for the salad. You should however, always read the ingredients in the salad as some of the salads have a lot of hidden carbs between the leafy greens. When you are unsure about the salad, then it is best to go for a simple salad with no dressing and you can ask for meat to fill you up. And of course, no to the dressing and the croutons!

⦁ No breaded items

Always try to avoid the breaded items, since they are usually deep fried such as the mozzarella sticks or the chicken fingers. Instead, you can go for the option of having chicken wings instead. If you do not have a choice, however, then you should scrape of all much breading as possible with your fingers.

⦁ Careful of the sauces

Another item you should be careful about are the different condiments like sauces and dressings as most of the times, they are full of sugar. Always try to avoid the sweet sauces or the dressings and it is best to go for the fatty versions of the dressings or the sauces such as the blue cheese dressing or the caesar dressing or the ranch sauce. You can also get a side of butter instead of the sauce if you want.

⦁ Look for ingredients

Always check for ingredients and see what the item on the menu is all about. Sometimes the details are quite vague so you can ask the waiter for more information. If you do not think it is keto friendly, then you can maybe ask them to make that item in a different way for you.

⦁ Online details

A lot of the new restaurants nowadays have details on their menu that is available online. If you can, you should visit the website beforehand and check for the nutritional values of the meals that you are planning to order. This way, you can decide before hand and also have an idea on how many carbs you can or cannot take.

The dynamics of eating out on a keto diet may seem like a chore at first, but eventually you will end up learning. It is quite a simple process with basic yes and no to certain types of foods. Once you have started the diet, you will eventually grow into it and will know what to order at a restaurant and what not to order. You will also get to know which restaurants are serving keto friendly foods and may be you can make that as your new favorite restaurant!

Keto Startup diet recipes

Another great reason to choose the keto diet is the availability and the options of so many keto diet recipes on the internet. You can choose which ever form you like, depending on your preferences. There are recipes for full meals, for chicken or meat dishes for desserts as well as for snacks and for keto friendly drinks. We have chosen our favorite no fail keto diet recipe that is a must try! Although all of these recipes require no changes but you can make amends as you like and according to your own taste.

Chocolate Fat Bombs For keto Startup diet

This is one of the best keto diet recipes for dessert, since we all crave sugar and these are simple and easy to make and they taste delicious. To make these, all you need to do is mix cream cheese, butter, cacao powder with a small serving of artificial sweetener and voila! Your chocolate fat bombs are ready! These are ideal to have after a meal or simply as a snack. These can also be stored for later use.

Cauliflower grilled cheese Sandwich For keto Startup diet

This is yet another great keto diet recipe that not only tastes great but also fills you up. For this you need to make the cauliflower dry and then bake it into bread looking slices and then you stack it up with cheese! You are done. You can use your favorite type of cheese but cheddar is preferred and if you want, you can add up any sort of vegetables that you like, such as tomatoes.

Jalapeno Cheddar Burgers For keto Startup diet

This recipe calls for stuffing the burger with cheese. You can choose the meat for the patty as per your own liking and it can be turkey or beef or chicken and mix a bit of cheese, garlic and jalapenos and grill it to how you like it. It simply tastes amazing!

Keto diet weight loss

Losing weight is not easy and it requires commitment and dedication. Also, you cannot simply expect to get results very quickly. Everyone’s body responds differently to different diet plans as they all have a different metabolism rate. This keto Startup diet however is not just ideal for weight loss but is also quite effective in bringing down the sugar levels and keeping the body healthy. Following this is quite simple and straightforward with plenty of information on the internet which the users can make use of. It is however advisable to always consult a doctor before starting this diet as certain supplements are needed with this diet plan. The above is all the information that you need to get started on your keto journey, it will take time but all you need is commitment and dedication and once the first few weeks have passed you can get comfortable with this diet and see the progress as keto diet weight loss is very fast and it is evident from the very first month!

How do you even start on keto?

The most efficient method to start a ketogenic diet is to do so. Typically, this entails keeping your daily carb intake between 20 and 50 grammes and loading up on good fats like those found in meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds. It’s also crucial to limit your protein intake.

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