hair on leather

Hope this information regarding hair-on leather helped you to add information to your life and made it easy to understand the difference.

What does hair on leather mean? Hair on leather is a type of leather that has the hair still attached to it. Hair on leather, also known as Pony Fur, Hair-calf, Calf-Hair, or Pony Hair leather, usually it is created from cow or goat hide. It is made from the hair side of the hide, as opposed to the non-hair side, which is used for most leather. The hair is often shorter than the original hair on the animal. It can be dyed in a wide range of ways.

Hair-on leather isn’t just reserved for cow leather. Many exotic types of leather, like buffalo or moose, have hair-on variants, which are not only stylish but are very warm and soft.


It really isn’t that complicated. The removal of hair from the hide is a step in all normal leather tanning processes but during the hair-on leather tanning process, the hair is left on the hide.

Those steps are skipped when making the hair-on leather! It’s that easy. Hair is frequently clipped shorter than it was originally to help it stay on and to make it less of a hassle, though this isn’t always the case. The leather can still be dyed in different colors, but it is often left uncolored to highlight the cow’s natural mottling and markings. Everything is dependent on what you intend to do with it. Versatility, as with all leather, is one of its greatest assets.


  • Soaking
    Washing the hides in water to remove impurities and folds. Hides are cleaned from dirt, blood, and salt.
  • Pressing
    The excess water is removed, and the hide is stretched.
  • Splitting
    The grain (the hide’s outer surface) is mechanically separated from the split (the lower part)
  • Shaving
    The entire surface of the hide gains a uniform thickness.
  • Trimming
    Cutting, selecting, and dividing the hide
  • Dyeing (As Per Demand)
    The key point in the process, lending the hide softness, color, and stability. (storage life)
  • Drying
    Special equipment is used to remove the water by hanging it.
  • Conveyor
    The leather is conditioned by suspending it from an overhead conveyor at room temperature.
  • Buffing
    Surface abrasion with a special paper to impart sheen (for nubuck and suede splits)
  • Fulling
    Mechanical buffeting within drums under controlled humidity conditions softens the leather.
  • Finishing
    Treatment to give the desired shine, color, and appearance.
  • Trimming
    Making certain that the finished product has straight edges and cut/trim the hair as required.
  • Workshop
    Physical and chemical tests are performed in accordance with international standards and customer specifications.
  • Selection
    Checking for quality, surface properties, and thickness.
  • Measuring
    Precision electronic measuring equipment, packaging, and shipping to the customer.

What is Hair on leather Used For?

Hair on leather is most commonly used in high-end fashion accessories such as jackets, shoes, bags, belts, rugs, and watch straps. The natural beauty and durability of cowhide under the unique texture of calf and cow hair make it a popular choice for designers looking for a vibrant and unique look.

Why invest in hair-on hide and its protection?

When you invest in a hair-on hide and hair-on products, you acquire a luxuriously natural antique product that will last for many years, provided you take proper care of it. For example;

  • Store your rug in a bag and protect it from extremes of heat and cold, sunlight, and excessive moisture.
  • If it becomes matted or dirty, clean it with a damp cloth or soft brush. You can also use a small amount of hair conditioner to release stubborn matting.
  • Regular gentle brushing will prevent a build-up of dirt and oil, and keep your rug looking its best.
  • Never wash your hair on hide rug, as this will dry out the hide and cause cracking.

By following these simple care instructions, you can enjoy your hair on hide rug and products for many years to come.


  • You should store it in a bag and protect it from extreme heat and cold, as well as sunlight.
  • If it gets dirty, you can clean it with a damp cloth or soft brush.
  • You can also use a small amount of hair conditioner to release stubborn matting.
  • Another way to prevent dirt and oil buildup is to place the hide in a plastic bag with cornmeal. Shake the bag vigorously to ensure that the dirt and oil are absorbed by the cornmeal.
  • You can also use a commercially available fixing spray designed for suede. Hold the can 6 inches away from the material and spray lightly.
  • Do not saturate the hide, or you’ll end up with patches of matting.
  • Finally, never wash a hide because it will dry out the leather and cause cracking. 


People make leather products in two ways. The regular way is when they take the hair off the animal and then tan the skin. But some people also make products with hair on leather.

This is when they don’t take the hair off, and just leave it on. The hair can be shorter than it was before, or it can be left long. People might dye the leather different colors, or leave it natural. It all depends on what they are making and what they want it to look like.

The main difference between these two types of leather is how they look. Hair on leather usually looks different than regular leather, and some people might like it better.

Another difference is that the hair might wear off over time, but the regular leather won’t. So if you are looking for a product that will last a long time, hair on leather might not be the best choice. But if you’re looking for something that looks different and unique, then hair-on leather might be perfect for you.

This is a simple difference between normal leather and hair-on leather. Just to make you understand what uniqueness both types of leather has in it.


Hair on leather is a good option for some products because it looks and feels luxurious. There’s no functional difference when it comes to function, durability, ethicality, or anything else that matters. Different strokes for different folks.

Note: This article is based on personal research of our team SumeShag, if some information is less or missing, it will be updated with time. Hope this article will help people understand what hair-on leather is, how it is made, what its use is, and how to preserve it.


What is leather with hair on it called?

Pony Hair leather, also called as Pony Fur, Hair-calf, Calf-Hair, or Hair-on-leather, is commonly fashioned from cow or goat hide. Unlike most leather, it is manufactured from the hair side of the hide rather than the non-hair side.

Is hair on hide durable?

Hair on hide is a high-quality, natural product that is simple to care for and lasts for many years. Taking appropriate care of your hair on a hide rug is critical for maintaining its beauty, lustre, and vitality.

What does hair on hide mean?

a phrase used to describe hair follicles left on leather to give it a “wild” appearance. Each hide is unique in terms of design and colour.

How do you clean a cow hair bag?

Start by carefully brushing your luxurious cowhide bag to get rid of any loose dirt before cleaning that priceless item. After that, gently massage the area with a moist cloth to remove spill-related stains. The risk of mould damage to your bag increases if you make the material excessively wet.

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